Teppanyaki Cooktop Table | Teppan-Caramelized Bananas

Warm fruit desserts are a great comfort, and this recipe is one of the fastest and easiest to prepare. So you can quickly start the comfort food game!

What you need to do is cut a few bananas in half, spread some butter and a simple homemade caramel sauce. Of course, the ice cream doesn't hurt at all. Preheat your Cookeryaki teppanyaki hot plates in 5 places, then set to 7. Begin to melt the butter and spread it around the cooking area, then slice the banana with one side up.

Let them cook here for about two to three minutes, adding butter if necessary. Turn them over and brown the other side, like the other side, for another two to three minutes. Check bananas often to make sure they're not mushy. Pour the caramel sauce on top and enjoy the aroma and hiss.

Close your Cookeryaki teppanyaki cooktop table for restaurant, grab the plate and dig! A small bowl of vanilla ice cream goes great with it. Feel free to add some toasted bread or caramelized nuts if you wish.


Caramel sauce recipe

1/2 cup of brown sugar
A quarter of a glass of water
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 pinch freshly grated nutmeg (1/4 teaspoon if pre-grated nutmeg is used)
Combine all ingredients and heat over medium to low heat. Don't boil. Stir for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves.


 Teppanyaki Cooktop Table | Teppan-Caramelized Bananas